Susila Dharma: the social and humanitarian association
Susila Dharma Britain, a non-profit organisation, is the social and humanitarian wing in Britain of the World Subud Association. It is one of 23 national organisations within the support and overview of the Susila Dharma International Association (SDIA). SDIA holds consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the International Childrens’ Fund (UNICEF).
Susila Dharma Britain’s mission is to stimulate and nurture initiatives by British Subud members to undertake and support humanitarian projects anywhere in the world; projects that empower people and are participatory, sustainable and in harmony with the local culture. To further these aims, Susila Dharma (Britain) works with British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND).
Susila Dharma works in many areas of development, including:
- Child development and education
- Community health and wellbeing
- Community development and sustainable livelihoods
- Protecting the environment
To learn more about the projects supported by Susila Dharma, visit the national or international sites:
SICA Britain
The Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) is a member-based network of individuals engaged in the cultural fields, particularly visual and performing arts. The acronym SICA also has an additional meaning that points clearly to the purpose of the organisation: spirituality, inspiration, creativity and action.
As SICA comprises many individuals, from amateurs to professionals, the inspiration for exhibitions and events often comes from the artists themselves, with SICA providing assistance in the organisation process.
For more information about SICA, please visit
SIHA: the health and wellbeing network
The Subud International Health Association (SIHA) was established to provide a platform that encourages the attainment of human health and self-reliance, by creating opportunities for health professionals, from all disciplines, to communicate and share their diverse experience.
SIHA is primarily a networking association that offers mutual support and communication among Subud people and between healthcare practitioners in all fields, from conventional to alternative. SIHA also runs seminars and retreats.
Additionally, SIHA aims to:
- Promote mutual support, cooperation, networking, and intra- and cross-disciplinary communication among Subud members who are active health-care practitioners.
- Make health-care information and expertise available to Subud members and others.
- Promote and coordinate medical aid and other health-related projects.
- Provide mentoring services.
- Provide a resource directory.
- Encourage self-reliance in health through education.
For more information about SIHA, please visit
Youth and families in Subud
There is an active Subud Youth Association (SYA) in Britain, which organises a variety of weekend get-togethers for young adults throughout the year in different parts of the country. The focus of the youth weekends is for young people in their late teens and twenties to connect with one another through conversation, music, walking, sharing meals and latihan.
You can find SYA Britain on Facebook. Contact the Subud Youth Coordinators at
There is also a separate Subud Youth Families Association (SYFA) in Britain, which organises get-togethers for young families in Subud. You can find SYFA Britain on Facebook. Contact the Subud Families’ Coordinators at